Sunday, December 20, 2009
Finally! Tests complete.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Final Round Complete!
Fortunately, it was an uneventful week. He had a mildly rough start with nausea, but he finished up feeling pretty good.
There was one minor setback, or disappointment rather. Chris was experiencing pain in his hip area (where the 2 screws are located) so he had a couple of X-rays taken to make sure all was intact. The films looked OK, however, small fractures may no be evident and given the brittle nature of the bones in that leg the Orthopedic Surgeon thought it best that he stayed off the leg until he has his complete series of tests on the 15th. It would make sense that his pain is muscular in nature and caused by not being used to his prosthesis. It weighs 8 pounds which is a lot considering he had been immobile for almost 6 months. Chris was not happy as he was doing quite well adjusting to his new leg. He was also looking forward to physical therapy this week so that he could be that much closer to losing the crutches. But all minor issues considering the road he has already traveled.
So on December 15th Christopher will have a chest CT, a full bone scan and an MRI to rule out any evidence of disease. If he is clear he will only have to repeat these tests every 2-3 months.
On the 17th he is leaving for California and very excited about a change of scenery and spending the holidays with family.
I am so proud of Christopher for the way he braved through this and also for the many people's lives he has touched. He continued to amaze me each step of the way.
We are both very grateful to have had such a strong support group behind us. I don't know that we could have hung in there as well as we did without the encouragement, love and constant prayers from everyone. I have to say, although it is just Christopher and I in this home, there was never the sense of being alone with so many of you always close at heart. So again, my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all!
Thank God for the end of this chapter!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Houston we have a Leg!!
It was quite the Thanksgiving gift for him as well as I. It has been such a long and arduous journey at times and to see him literally able to put one foot in front of the other was definitely a moment. He is still bound to crutches for support until he learns to walk again with his new leg. Hopefully soon he will be down to one crutch and/or a cane. By the way he adjusted on his first few steps I have a feeling it will not be long. Once he is comfortable with this leg he will most likely move on to a more functional prosthesis that he can use to swim, run or even snowboard in when he is ready. Though his Oncologist would like to see him stay a bit more sedentary until his bones are strong again.
So for me this Thanksgiving was truly a time to give thanks. Considering the odds and what he has been through, every day that Christopher is still with us and is a gift, not to mention the fact that he has maintained a strength and courage I never could have imagined. Being surrounded by so much love, encouragement and support from family and friends has made a big difference as well and I am so grateful, as always to everyone.
It is hard to believe that tomorrow Chris will begin his 18th and FINAL round of Chemo! 10 months ago it was hard to imagine this day would ever come.
So please continue to keep Chris in your thoughts and prayers...we are almost there!
Thank you. Patty
Christopher also got to enjoy Thanksgiving with some of his relatives which was a bonus considering he came close to having to spend this past week in the hospital! He enjoyed seeing his cousins from NH (below) as well as his Aunts, Uncles and grandparents. Of course he thoroughly enjoyed having his appetite on and ate much better than he has in quite some time! Thanks to his "Nonni" for that!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
And on goes Christopher's Wild Ride!...Whew!
Christopher was supposed to be in Orlando with them enjoying a week at Wild Kingdom and Disney's many other attractions but his recent set backs prevented this. So instead they came to him, along with two of their friends and it made a big difference in Chris' day. They live in California so unfortunately the visits are few and far between so this meant a lot to both of us...thanks Nana and Grandpa Bill!
We even got the good news that he needed to take a couple weeks off as the last 2 rounds of chemo were a bit much and could be damaging if he went for three in a row. Good news considering he wanted to be home for Thanksgiving so he could spend time with family and also be in good health for his upcoming trip to Fort Walton.
And then the downturn...
Christopher was discharged late Thursday night. Soon after that he began complaining of a constant headache, followed by extreme fatigue and continued nausea. By Sunday night the headaches were unbearable, he could barely stay awake and he had started to throw up blood. The on call Dr. seemed to think, as we both did, that his hemoglobin and maybe even platelets were low so he was scheduled to come in this past Monday for blood work. If only it were that easy. His blood work came back OK though he was given a transfusion just to be safe. When Christopher's blood pressure continued to drop and the pressure in his head building he had to stay for IV antibiotics and fluids. It sporadically helped the pressure but as soon as we got home after 7 hours in the clinic, he spiked a fever and felt very weak again so we ended up at the local Fire Station to try and get the pressure back up. This went on for over 2 days. The Dr.'s suspected he may have "pseudo tumor cerebri" simply meaning there was something causing undue pressure around his brain. He was scheduled for a head CT and a spinal tap to try and relieve the pressure. Thankfully after yet another day of a IV antibiotics, fluids and a head x-ray, a sever infection in the back of his sinus cavity was discovered. This was actually good news. So again pumped with various antibiotics and an exam to make sure the optical nerves were not too inflamed, his Dr. decided to treat that infection, see if he maintains his pressure and the headaches go away and we could avoid the further testing for now. WHEW!
So that was the latest and I will tell you not what we expected with only one round of chemo left!
As usual my "little man" toughed it out and did not once complain, even given the frightening possibilities we were presented with. He is now home, feeling better and back on track for his much anticipated trip to Hurlburt Field, AFB. Thank God! Special thanks to Lt.Col Edward Gedney for making this happen.
To a much quieter next couple weeks!
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I know I have a lot to be grateful for. Patty
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
In the midst of Round 17
Last week, round 16 of chemo was a tough one as he was quite sick in the beginning of the week. Probably due to his low blood counts going in. This week, however, he is doing very well. He is on round 17, the second to last round before being scanned and tested for clearance from this for hopefully a long while!
He also had a visit with Dr. O'Connor at Mayo Clinic to check on "the stump". All is well there so he does not have to see her for another 2 months...hopefully as she says he is running around on his new leg! Speaking of which, the prosthetist was kind enough to visit Christopher here at Wolfson's so that they could do another try-in of the "socket"-the part of the prosthesis that attaches to his stump. Because of the swelling from the chemo fluids, they will wait until next week to do a final fitting. The goal, for us anyway, is to have his leg before his trip to the Special Forces(Air Force) base in Fort Walton next week. So please keep your fingers crossed.
I think we are both getting a bit anxious as we near completion. It will sure be good to have some time, some long term time at home. I know someone else who would like that too...

I want to thank my brother Tom for orchestrating the fundraiser efforts in NH and for establishing a paypal account that I have included at the beginning of the blog page. Many thanks also to Grandpa Bill and the IBEW for the flyer that went out to the many Union branches, again in an effort to help raise funds for Christopher's Battle. The continued outpouring of love and support has been amazing and continues to touch my heart. For this I am very grateful to all.
With much love and appreciation, Patty
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Round 16 delayed
In addition to that his blood counts had bottomed out to a level unsafe for Chemo so he was given a platelet transfusion and is on hold until the rest of his levels come up. Though it was nice to have a "week off", it was still quite a bit of back and forth at the Dr.'s office and just puts off the end of his protocol which is disappointing as he is so close.
Believe it or not he is feeling good considering all of this, tired, but better than he has been from being off chemo for a little bit.
Now for the good news! On Tuesday Christopher also had his first fitting of the new prosthesis!!
It is step one of a 3 part process. Next week he will have another fitting and actually try walking on his new leg and about 2 weeks after that he will have the real deal!! It was so exciting for him and the look on his face that day was priceless. This has been a long time coming but it seems he is finally approaching the finish line! Chris was also photographed for Nemour's Annual Report...he has become quite the poster child for the hospital and clinic. He also offered to visit a young adult who is currently at Mayo having the same surgery as Chris (lower leg amputation), as he felt he could use some encouragement.
I, as well as his Dr.'s and hospital staff couldn't be more proud of his positive attitude and perseverance despite the many setbacks. We are almost there...keep up the great work Christopher!!
Lots of love and appreciation to all, Patty

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wiped out by another round!
The week went relatively smooth as far as chemo goes. He even saw the surgeon who put the screws in his hip and got the OK to move forward with the fitting of the prosthesis. He was "casted" on Tuesday, right before being admitted to Wolfson's and should have a trial leg in a week or so! It will only be a temporary fitting to make sure the measurements are correct, and about 2 weeks after that he will have a new leg! Finally!! He is so looking forward to the day he can ditch the crutches.
Today we went to the Jacksonville Jaguar's football game, compliments Defensive End, Quentin Groves. Along with the tickets came field passes so we had the privilege of getting up close and personal with the players. Many thanks to Quentin and his peeps for making this such a special and fun experience. And believe it or not the Jags won!
And it looks like they weren't the only ones to do some scoring... :p
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A friendly visit!
The reason Chris was able to make this trip is he did not have Chemo this week as scheduled. After we saw his Oncologist on Tuesday for the pre-admission exam, he noticed several sores or ulcers on Chris' leg (left leg) that had gotten infected. What were they and how did they start? Who knows. But with his immune system being so compromised anything can turn into a disaster. He put him on antibiotics as the risk is the infection getting into his system and that would not be good. He is also on the Swine Flu medicine, an anti-viral med as a precaution as unfortunately he was exposed to it by none other than me! I was worried about him getting my "cold/flu" but never expected this. So far he has been OK, thank God!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Back on the home front.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wrapped up Round 13...14 coming up this week!
A "few" words from Chris...(and I was lucky to get that!)
Last week Christopher completed round 13 of his chemo protocol. Round 14 will start tomorrow followed immediately by round 15 the following week and then we will have a week off before the FINAL three rounds.
He tolerated this past week very well and is feeling pretty strong. Even his hip/femur healed and he hasn't experienced any pain since leaving the hospital a couple weeks ago. He had a little break from Mom last weekend as I was fortunate enough to get to Boston to be with my dear friends and enjoy much love, laughter and support. I am very grateful to have had Katie around to be with Chris and take over the helm. Chris also had a surprise visit from his step-brother, John who also stayed the weekend and was great company for him. Many thanks to both Katie and John not just for the help and relief they gave me but for their genuine care, concern and friendship with Chris.
Tomorrow Chris will see the prosthetist in the morning and then will be admitted for chemo later that afternoon. He should be home by late Friday, early Saturday. We will keep you posted on the much anticipated new leg!
Much peace and gratitude to all, Patty
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The latest...and even a little "greatest"!

This past week did not start out so great. Only days after coming home from the last chemo/surgery stay, he came down with a cold, little to no blood counts and held a low grade fever until Sunday. He was when he was re-admitted and stayed until Wednesday. He rebounded fairly quickly though with his counts on the rise and his energy much better, he has even managed to get a few days of school in! (Homework is another blog waiting to happen.)
The really good news for Christopher is Dr. O'Connor gave him the go ahead on Friday to start the process of getting his prosthesis!! This has been a very long awaited moment so with D=her blessings we will first have an appointment with the Prosthetist to have a stocking, or "shrink wrap" if you will, put on the stump to make sure there is no swelling. He will make the call as to what type/size prosthetic Chris needs and then we will have an appointment with "Hangar" to see what options are available for him. Of course Christopher has been investigating this for quite some time so he knows that he wants to use this particular company and already has a pretty good idea of what might work for him. So although he is still in non-weight bearing mode for a month or so, at least he has something to look forward to. I know he was very excited when we left Mayo (Dr. O'Connor) and the look on his face...priceless.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Quickie!
He caught a bit of a cold and with his counts dropping and his immune system suffering the affects of chemo, he was running a low fever all weekend. Monday his nurse called after his blood work to warn us that his blood counts were bottoming out and asked that I take his temperature...sure enough he had a fever that warranted a trip to the ER and later admission to his home away from home, the 5th floor at Wolfson's.
Thankfully he had the Neupogen shot Friday to give his system a kick start and today the Dr. OK'd a discharge as his fevers stopped and at least his blood was on the rise. So considering the usual stay...this was a well deserved "quickie"
Friday Chris will see Dr. O'Connor at Mayo as a follow up to all surgeries. As mentioned earlier he is still quite a ways away from his prosthesis fitting, but maybe she will give the go ahead to push this along!
Stay tuned for details on a Fundraiser that my dear friend Tammy Packard of TAP lighting will be holding next month!!
As always, much love and gratitude to all!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Another bump...or should I say "break" in the road...
As most of you know Christopher fell last Saturday at home and with the help of the Atlantic Beach Paramedics/Fireman made it to the Emergency room and was finally admitted to Wolfson's Children's Hospital at 3am. Not for Chemo this time...a badly fractured femoral head on his rt. side (the stump)that would require surgery.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Week in Fever Zone
He was admitted with a fever last week and possible infection which he was treated heavily for. He also had a biopsy of some suspicious spots on his arm and leg for which he was also given even more meds though there was no conclusion or diagnosis as to the specifics...just that the 3 big gun antibiotics and anti fungal medication got rid of it. It is always something.
The main reason for the lengthy stay was his blood counts had bottomed out and just did not seem to want to come up. He had 2 transfusions which helped but the process was slow and painstaking for Chris who was getting REALLY bored and tired of those 4 walls!
On Monday, August 24th, he will begin another 3 week run of chemo. Unfortunately, the nature of this game wreaks havoc on his system so though he may have recovered this past week and is in pretty good shape to go the next few rounds, he may again end up crashing. The good news is he had his last round of "Cisplatin" which is the chemo drug that makes you really nauseous and causes the blood counts to drop so drastically. So maybe the week he has "off" at the end of this 3 week gig will actually be a break!
Still waiting for the go ahead from Dr. O'Connor to start the prosthetic process. We should know more about that when we see her September 10th and are keeping are fingers crossed.
Christopher's school starts next week and though he will not be there the first day, we are hoping to try and get there on days when he is not in the hospital (oiy) and when he is feeling healthy enough. He is above average in his academic ability so we pray he will be back on track soon after his protocol is over in November.
As always, many thanks for all the positive thoughts and encouragement. Peace, Patty
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Round 10 Completed!
Took a while to get this video uploaded as we did not have Internet in the hospital. We have been home for a couple days and enjoying life outside of Wolfson's...finally!
Christopher did very well despite his angst about puking and having this take it's toll on his system which it usually does. Could be that he had been out of Chemo for over a month due to his leg complications. As risky as that was as far as the cancer goes I think the upside is it gave his body a chance to rebuild. He hung tough during these past 3 weeks and hopefully we will have the next 2 off. Typically his counts will drop after a week or so, causing a fever which means back to the ER and hospital. This time he wants to remain optimistic and is eating well, trying to get good sleep and focus on some trips he has coming up which keeps his spirits up!
We saw Dr. Jiang, the Chinese Dr., on Friday and he gave Chris some homeopathic medicine for his kidneys and liver as well as something to help the skin around his incision heal.
Monday he will see Dr. O'Connor and is hoping to get the go ahead to start the prosthetic process. The "stump" is finally healing so it should not be long now. Just keep the thoughts and prayers coming...they are working!
Peace, Patty
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Moving Forward...Round 9!
Again, sorry this may be just my boring dialogue but we still do not have access to video, and many of you have been asking about the latest scoop.
Christopher has had a rough past few weeks in regard to the healing of his leg.
After the second surgery where more bone was removed, (but the knee cap spared) to close where the scar line had opened up, he again encountered trouble. There was a pretty consistent draining which is not normal. Dr. O'Connor tried removing some of the stitches and putting in more a bit tighter - not pleasant for Chris as there was little warning before she attacked the stump! On a return visit because there was still a little leakage she consulted with another surgeon, removed all the stitches and decided to put him on a "Wound Vac" This is the pump like unit you can see in the picture, that is continuously running to remove any excess fluids and close the site.
He completed round 8 of chemo with the Vac in place and after a brief break from it he is back on it. Dr. O'Connor is still concerned with the tiny drips, especially seeing as he has 2 more weeks of chemo in a row, the last being the tough one on his system.
The lack of healing is most likely due to the effects of chemo on Christopher's immune system though leave it to him to find an article stating that this surgery (or this level of amputation) is controversial due to impaired wound healing. So who knows.
We do know that he is improving everyday and maintains an incredible amount of strength and hope that this too shall pass. He is "patiently "waiting for the day he can be fitted for his prosthetic but that is at least a month away.
He is feeling very good, eating really well - like a crazed teenage boy!- and is ready to face round 9 today at Wolfson's.
Thanks as always for all the love and encouragement as we continue to move forward on this journey, one day at a time.
We are
Friday, July 3, 2009
One step backward...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The latest
We had a much better week thank God!
As soon as I figure out how to get my camera to take a good video of Christopher I will let him continue to fill you in on the latest with his battle.
Right now the biggst battle seems to be with the healing of his "stump" .
He survived the last emergency visit to the hospital a little over a week ago for high fever and a low BP scare and is now doing very well. He ended up staying for only 3 days which was amazing considering how hard he crashed.
The following week we saw Dr. O'Connor, hoping to get his stitches removed and be that much closer to getting his new leg. However, the wound (scar) on the right side was not looking so good so she decided to keep the stitches intact until July 10th.
It seems chemo is not great for the healing process and Dr. O'Connor is concerned about the next 3 weeks of chemo possibly interfering. Normally she would open up the area again (minor surgery) and remove the excess scabbing and wounded tissue and reattach the skin. But because Chris cannot go without continuing his chemo process this will have to wait. We are hoping and praying, as is Dr. O'Connor, that she can keep this level of amputation. So please help us pray for some better healing of that area!
Tomorrow morning Christopher will be admitted for round 8 of his chemo protocol. He will have 3 weeks in a row and then a little reprieve.
Until then he has enjoyed being able to have had a week at home to relax. Today he had a wonderful visit from his Uncle Tom, Aunt Jose and his four cousins...many thanks to them for making such a big difference in his day!
Hope to get some live video soon...
Lots of thanks and peace to all of you!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Darn those fevers!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
East meets West
I have had great success with Dr. Jiang and I am grateful Chris was not only open to his treatments but confident with it's results. Many thanks to Dr. Jiang and Eastern philosophies!
Adjusting to the "stump"
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Updates from Mayo
Dr. O'Conner said tonight that Chris may be ready to go home as early as tomorrow evening, but Dr. Joyce said probably one more night (Friday) to try it without the catheter. Chris has had lots of visitors: Uncle Ron brought up Non and Pop Severino yesterday, aunt Kathy was there, Ronda and Katy (Chris's teachers) have been a couple times, as well as Whitney, and oh I'm probably forgetting some. And of course, mama Patty and Nana Sheri have been nearly constant companions.
Chris seems to enjoy the "room service" food at Mayo and the HDTV but I'm sure he'll be glad to get home this weekend. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement, support, love, and prayers.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hello From Mayo Clinic
Chris is resting comfortably in his room at The Mayo Clinic following his surgery today.
He has bounced back really well, eating a solid dinner and mostly being awake. He has both a nerve block and pain meds to help manage the pain--so far,so good. He has his Mom, Nana, and Aunt Kathy here waiting on him, and he wants everyone to know he's okay.
Surgery Update
PS. Patty puked at Jason's Deli today. Like mother, like son.

Okay, well this is it: D-Day for Chris's cancer battle. He went in for surgery a little before 10AM in good spirits and ready to get on with it. Dr. O'Conner said the procedure would take 90 minutes to 2 hours, then Chris will be in recovery here at Mayo for four days. Patty and Chris's grandmother Sherri are here at Mayo and pretty much a wreck. Please keep those prayers coming. We'll let you know how it turns out later today.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thanks to Team Blackwell
Thursday, May 21, 2009
One Good Thing...
On another good note, Chris saw Dr. Jiang again this week who gave him some Chinese remedies to compliment the chemo and strengthen Chris's immune system. It seems to have a very positive effect as this was one of the better weeks for Chris on chemo.
We'll keep you posted with new info as we get closer to surgery. Amazingly, Chris seems almost philosophical about the prospect of having his leg amputated. Quite a brave young man. Tuesday is the big day. Prayers y'all.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This Is Getting Serious
Chris is back at Wolfson for another round of chemo this week. His follow-up
exam with his ortho/onco surgeon, Dr. Mary O'Connor, on Monday was not good. The MRI showed that 2 months of chemo had little or no effect on the tumor in Chris's right leg. First off, this means that the surgery scheduled for Tuesday, 5/26 will involve amputation of his leg somewhere around the knee. An even graver concern, however, is that the lack of response to chemo indicates a highly increased probability of metastases elsewhere in his body. The oncology team is working on a change in chemo protocol because now Chris's survival is in jeapordy. This is serious folks. We know a lot of you have been praying for him, but the next couple weeks will be a turning point so we ask for any help you can give.
Chris will be at Wolfson until Friday late or Sat AM, then home for the weekend. He is still in good spirits as you can see from the video, eating fried chicken and playing with his MacBook. I know he'll be glad to get home and see Jakie.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Break in the Action
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Rough Week
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Home Sweet Home
He felt strong enough to attend school the last couple days and did very well. I believe being among his peers helps him stay positive and lends a bit of normalcy to an otherwise not so normal situation. If all goes well with his blood work tomorrow he will even be able to make the final class field trip on Friday. Many thanks to all the New Leaf staff and students for their sincere concern and understanding.
On another note...Chris agreed to try Traditional Chinese Medicine in conjunction to his current protocol. (yeay!) We saw Dr. Jiang in Orange Park, Florida. He has worked wonders for me over the past couple years and I felt strongly about having him in the mix . He is using homeopathic remedies to boost Chris' immune system and strengthen his kidneys, both of which have taken quite a beating form the chemo. I am so happy that Christopher is not only open to alternative therapies but actually says he believes that it can help him!
Next week we see the orthopedic surgeon to get more x-rays, an MRI and an idea of what type of surgery will be best. We will also find out how well he is responding to the current chemo protocol.
For now we are both enjoying some time at home.
I thank God that he is "feeling great"
Friday, April 24, 2009
Greetings from the Jag Room
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Report from the western front
Chris Back at Wolfson for round 4

Chris was admitted to Wolfson yesterday to start another intensive round of chemo. He made it through the past couple weeks in pretty good shape: not too much nausea or side effects. He may have even gained back a few pounds (yay). The highlight of last week was a visit from his entire class at New Leaf. Thanks Ms.McDonald so much for making Chris's day. Hopefully he'll be home by Friday. And where's Jakie?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Oh boy, more chemo.
Friday, April 10, 2009
A Few Word from Chris
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Start of This Whole Mess

In February 2009, Chris was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his right leg after complaining of knee pain for a couple months. He lives in Atlantic Beach, FL with his mom, Patty Severino, dog, Jake, and guinea pig Cocoa. He started treatment a few weeks ago which involves several months of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor, then more chemo. Chris goes to New Leaf School in Neptune Beach and was on the Yankees little league baseball team in AB. His main doctor is at the mayo Clinic in Jacksonville but he is undergoing treatment at Wolfson Children's Hospital.