Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Round 10 Completed!

Took a while to get this video uploaded as we did not have Internet in the hospital. We have been home for a couple days and enjoying life outside of Wolfson's...finally!

Christopher did very well despite his angst about puking and having this take it's toll on his system which it usually does. Could be that he had been out of Chemo for over a month due to his leg complications. As risky as that was as far as the cancer goes I think the upside is it gave his body a chance to rebuild. He hung tough during these past 3 weeks and hopefully we will have the next 2 off. Typically his counts will drop after a week or so, causing a fever which means back to the ER and hospital. This time he wants to remain optimistic and is eating well, trying to get good sleep and focus on some trips he has coming up which keeps his spirits up!

We saw Dr. Jiang, the Chinese Dr., on Friday and he gave Chris some homeopathic medicine for his kidneys and liver as well as something to help the skin around his incision heal.

Monday he will see Dr. O'Connor and is hoping to get the go ahead to start the prosthetic process. The "stump" is finally healing so it should not be long now. Just keep the thoughts and prayers coming...they are working!

Peace, Patty

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your hair is growing in. You better inform Uncle Mike because he is still bald. Hope this week goes well for you Chris.
