The reason Chris was able to make this trip is he did not have Chemo this week as scheduled. After we saw his Oncologist on Tuesday for the pre-admission exam, he noticed several sores or ulcers on Chris' leg (left leg) that had gotten infected. What were they and how did they start? Who knows. But with his immune system being so compromised anything can turn into a disaster. He put him on antibiotics as the risk is the infection getting into his system and that would not be good. He is also on the Swine Flu medicine, an anti-viral med as a precaution as unfortunately he was exposed to it by none other than me! I was worried about him getting my "cold/flu" but never expected this. So far he has been OK, thank God!
On top of that he was plagued with mouth sores from the past 2 rounds of chemo which can be pretty painful. So that is why his Dr. made the call to wait. More chemo would do more harm than good. He will go back in on Tuesday.
He will also have a follow up appt. with the surgeon that put the screws in his hip to get the official go ahead to weight bare, and immediately following he will get casted for the prosthetic! Yeay!
On a very positive note. The reason for Tammy's visit (well in addition to being very supportive of us) was to hand deliver the money she collected at her fundraiser. This was such a blessing and wonderful gesture on her part as it allows me to continue to be financially able to survive another month off work which should bring us to near the end of Christopher's Chemo protocol.
It was a very difficult decision to take the FMLA, from a financial standpoint, but my boss and friend Annah was very confident that I needed to do this. She told me many times (as I panicked) to have faith and that all will be fine when I am able to focus on Christopher. And by the grace of God and efforts like Tammy's to help all IS working out...but definitely
not according to my plan!
I know that all is as it should be and for that I am grateful.
With much love and gratitude, Patty
p.s...a special thanks to Lt. Col. Ed Gedney for sending Chris some special gifts. It was very kind and Chris is also looking forward to a trip to the Special Forces Base here in Florida!
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