Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Report from the western front

Here you can see Chris and his mom, Patty, in room 510--his home for the week. This round of chemo includes 2 really strong drugs, Cisplatin and Doxorubicin, which follow the methotrexate he had the past 2 weeks. Yuk. Poor kid is taking it well, but these are nasty drugs. Notice mom's chipper attitude. I forget what "FINE" stands for...


  1. One more day of this stay at Wolfson's...and yea Mom is "Fine" (code word for about to hit the proverbial wall!). I all seriousness it could be worse from what I have seen on this children's oncology floor. Christopher really does have a great attitude call it denial-it works for me!)-and it makes it easier to handle this crazy situation.
    Hopefully we will have a little break for the next couple weeks if he stays fever free.
    Special thanks to Lawrence or making this site happen and for his endless love and support.
    And YES!...Jakie comes home today!
    Peace, Patty

  2. Hi Patty Chris and Larry,

    Thank you so much for the blog and for inviting us into this very personal and private affair. Please consider us family, and we will there in thoughts and prayer. I hope that you know you can call me or Jodie anytime for anything.



    Me-828-231-1053, Jodie-828-350-8456
