Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Quickie!

Well we almost had a full week off. Christopher was released from the hospital mid last week and came home feeling pretty good. Very little to no pain in his hip, just pretty tired and nauseous from the chemo.
He caught a bit of a cold and with his counts dropping and his immune system suffering the affects of chemo, he was running a low fever all weekend. Monday his nurse called after his blood work to warn us that his blood counts were bottoming out and asked that I take his temperature...sure enough he had a fever that warranted a trip to the ER and later admission to his home away from home, the 5th floor at Wolfson's.
Thankfully he had the Neupogen shot Friday to give his system a kick start and today the Dr. OK'd a discharge as his fevers stopped and at least his blood was on the rise. So considering the usual stay...this was a well deserved "quickie"
Friday Chris will see Dr. O'Connor at Mayo as a follow up to all surgeries. As mentioned earlier he is still quite a ways away from his prosthesis fitting, but maybe she will give the go ahead to push this along!
Stay tuned for details on a Fundraiser that my dear friend Tammy Packard of TAP lighting will be holding next month!!
As always, much love and gratitude to all!

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