Monday, December 27, 2010
Second Chemo Cycle Complete

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fever Week

Unfortunately Christopher spent almost 5 days in this past week after developed a fever late Friday night. His blood counts had been progressively going down since his last round of chemo. When his ANC (absolute neutrophil count) fell to 30 on Thursday's blood check (from over 4,000 when he began chemo) his nurse called and told us to be careful and watch for fever.
Sure enough we were off to the ER early Saturday morning and he was admitted that afternoon. His counts were literally 0 and he had fevers on and off for the next few days. Just goes to show you how much one round of Chemo really attacked his system.
Christopher was given IV antibiotics and fluids as soon as we got to the ER. (One bonus of being an oncology patient is there is never a wait...he goes straight back to triage.) He continued to recieve them until he was with out fever and also could not be discharged until his counts were over 200. With the help of "Neupogen" via IV his last couple days there, the counts finally budged. He will be getting a similar injection after each chemo cycle called Neulasta which will not prevent his blood counts from dropping so drastically but it will help them come up faster. During the 5 days he was there he lost his hair which was very upsetting to him as he waited so long to get it back and had become quite attached to his new locks. I must say though he does sport a good looking bald head! He also lost his teenage appetite which is a big bummer for him as well! What he has not lost is his spirit...he is quite full of that and then some!
Next week will bring more blood work and a visit to the clinic for a physical. His counts will need to be at at least 1,000 before he can begin his next chemo cycle. (There are other aspects of his blood work that are looked at but the ANC is what they consider for overall immune system health.) He will begin his next round on Sunday December 19th and should finish by Christmas Eve. With any luck he will feel well enough to celebrate Christmas and enjoy some holiday cheer!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
First Chemo Cycle Complete
I am already a bit behind and it is only the beginning of Christopher's new protocol! Here is the latest:
Christopher started his first week of Chemo on Monday, November 22nd and finished on Saturday November 27th. So yes, we spent the Thanksgiving Holiday in the hospital, but honestly it was not bad at all. For the amount of seriously ill children on the 5th floor there was more than enough good spirit to go around! There was also no shortage of good food for all and as a special bonus, Christopher's Aunt Kathy and Grandparents came to visit bearing plenty of treats as well.
It was not an easy week for Christopher. His Chemo lasts for 5 days with the 6th day being an 18 hour post hydration period. We both originally thought that the 2 Chemo drugs, mentioned in an earlier blog, would only run a total of 4hours with a half hour of an additional drug to prevent bladder bleeding. We were NOT aware that he would be given the drugs every day for five days. To me that seemed to be a lot to administer in one round...but then again...I am of a different mindset when it comes to all this. It is no wonder that he had several days of nausea and intense vomiting and was pretty worn out by the time he got home. Thankfully though, on Thanksgiving he was more than able to hold down a lion's share of the good stuff.
He did not have any of the more serious complications that come while the drug is being administered such as extremely low blood pressure and bladder bleeding. So all in all it was more of the same of what he went through last year. All too familiar for him in fact, which I believe has made this time around a little more difficult and a lot less tolerable. Yet he made it through like a champ and will do what it takes to beat this!
One Cycle down and 3 weeks off!
Much peace to all of you!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Chemo Gets Another Shot

On Monday Christopher began the first day of his new chemo protocol. Although the cancerous lesions were removed from both of his lungs, because his original cancer had metastasised he needs to be treated systemically to assure all cancer cells are destroyed. His new protocol will consist of 5 cycles using a combination of IFOSFAMIDE (Ifex) and ETOPOSIDE (VP-16, VePesid). He will have 5 straight days of the chemo with the 6th day being a post hydration period for 18 hours. The two drugs are administered through his port and actually only run for a total of 4 hours. The rest of the time is IV hydration and anti nausea meds every 6 hours. He is also receiving a drug called Mesna that is given immediately following the Ifex via IV to protect the bladder as this drug can cause bladder bleeding. There is also a possibility that he will experience confusion or seizures with the first few doses but so far the initial dose was okay. (Well I think the current "confusion" is natural :)
Christopher is more apprehensive this time around. Partly because of the confusion/delusion possibility with this new Chemo and also he is dreading losing his hair again. He is 13 after all!
Not to mention he will be spending a lot of time in the hospital and missing his usual trips to CA. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving here at Wolfson's which should be interesting. The upside of that, however, is he has survived another year of this disease and is able to celebrate it at all!
Besides my sister is graciously bringing my parents up to visit us and will be bearing some real ("Non's") food! Something he is always thankful for!
I hope to get a video of Chris in the next couple days so that you can hear all this from his perspective.
I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and am grateful to each and everyone of you for the support, encouragement and prayers that keep us going strong.
Much love and peace,
p.s. I couldn't close without showing you Christopher's matching thoracotomy scars. As the surgeon said "just large enough to get my hands in the cavity". Surgeons are odd.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Battle Scars!
Thanks, as always for all the support, positive thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Just when we thought it was over...the relapse.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
In the Mean Time...
Well I must admit it has been good living "in the meantime". Life after Chemo/Surgeries/Emergencies has been quite an adjustment for both of as we had spent so much time at the hospital. It almost seems surreal, like we had been in some sort of strange time warp since the date of his diagnosis (February '09)... almost as if time had stood still. Things at home looked as if they had been left exactly as they were, unopened mail, work desk covered with year old documents and seasonal clothes, linens never switched out...like we had to pick up where we left off. Guess that huge mental blank spot could be good old fashioned "denial", which does serve well in traumatic situations. In any case, I do apologize to those of you who have been asking about Christopher's progress and waiting for updates.
I had every intention of keeping the blog up to date with such good new as his trip to Alaska, his getting back in to a normal school routine, his being a part of the Children's Hospital Child Advisory Council and the fact that he had gone through 2 of his follow up protocol testing cancer free! ( Every three months since his treatment finished, Christopher has a full bone scan, an MRI of his right leg and a Chest CT) It is hard to say how many side effects he will have as a result of such heavy chemotherapy. He has experienced some minor ones and possibly even cardiology related complications as well as cognitive issues. I know it was tough for Chris, as crazy as it seems, to go back to "normal" life after such an intense relationship building experience with the Dr'.s, Nurses and other Oncology patients at Wolfsons, but he continues to hang tough and move forward. Enjoy the Pictures and Video!
Much Love and Peace! Patty
This is Christopher bright eyed and bushy tailed (well kind of) on his way to school! He still rides his bike every morning and with the help of a new bike does not even need to Velcro the leg to the pedal anymore! ( : In June following his chemo protocol Chris and I had the amazing opportunity to take a 7 day Alaska Cruise! Many, Many thanks to Brandi and "Dreams Come True"! Below is on the White Hall Yukon Railway in Skagway and below that is the bi-plane tour of the Misty Fjords in Ketchikan.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
One Year Later
...Thanks Brandi!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Life Goes On!!
Almost a year after Christopher's diagnosis we finally seem to be getting back to a more "normal" (used lightly) lifestyle. Thank God.