Thursday, May 14, 2009

This Is Getting Serious

Chris is back at Wolfson for another round of chemo this week. His follow-up
exam with his ortho/onco surgeon, Dr. Mary O'Connor, on Monday was not good. The MRI showed that 2 months of chemo had little or no effect on the tumor in Chris's right leg. First off, this means that the surgery scheduled for Tuesday, 5/26 will involve amputation of his leg somewhere around the knee. An even graver concern, however, is that the lack of response to chemo indicates a highly increased probability of metastases elsewhere in his body. The oncology team is working on a change in chemo protocol because now Chris's survival is in jeapordy. This is serious folks. We know a lot of you have been praying for him, but the next couple weeks will be a turning point so we ask for any help you can give.

Chris will be at Wolfson until Friday late or Sat AM, then home for the weekend. He is still in good spirits as you can see from the video, eating fried chicken and playing with his MacBook. I know he'll be glad to get home and see Jakie.


  1. Hey Chris,
    Aunt kathy here. You are so going to pull through this. More and more I run into people who have been where you are now. You need to know that they are living full happy lives.

    So hang in there buddy, we are all behind you. You are one strong young man with big dreams. You will beat this thing.

    With love, your favorite aunt in the whole wide world.

  2. Hi Chris :)

    I have been thinking about you and how brave you are. I have so much faith that you will fight this. Hang in there. I am thinking of you. :)

