Christopher finished his second cycle of chemo just in time to celebrate Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, after spending 6 days at Wolfson's, Chris was discharged with no complications and feeling pretty good considering the heavy doses of meds he is getting. This was the first Christmas he has spent in FL in many many years as this is usually his time to visit CA so we were happy to be home and able to take a short trip to his Nonni and Papa's!
On Monday (12/27), Christopher had his blood counts taken and I was surprised to learn on Tuesday morning that his counts had already dropped to 26 and he is now considered neutropenic! (Again he originally started with an "ANC" of over 4,000!) When he bottoms out like this it typically means a fever and trip to the hospital but so far he has not spiked a temperature. Though it is expected that this type of chemo will wipe out his blood counts (the absolute neutrophil count), it seems to be happening much quicker than it did the last time. He has been on antibiotics since he got out of the hospital and finally received his "Neulasta" which should help. For a mere $6,000/shot he can inject himself after each round of chemo to boost his body's ability to produce more neutrophils and prevent a long hospital stay after fevers waiting for his blood counts to come up. He may well have already hit 0 and be on the rebound. One can only hope!
Next week, January 4th he will have a follow up chest CT so see if his lungs are still clear. The following week he will begin the 3rd Chemo cycle. (If his counts are high enough that is)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and many many wishes to you all for a very healthy and happy 2011!
Much love and peace to you all,