Saturday, September 1, 2012
Another Good Report!
Christopher had another 3 month Chest CT in August and got the good new that again, there has been very little change to those "suspicious" areas on his lungs. The oncologist and radiologist are still watching 2 areas but the fact that the spots remain stable is a very good thing. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, it is better to wait and watch than go in and remove or biopsy what is there. The areas are very small and the surgery too invasive to take that risk.
Though Christopher is not technically in remission, he is off treatment, feeling very good and his blood work indicates that his internal organs are also on the mend after having been beat up by all the chemo he had in the past.
When I asked if I could assume we are out of the woods, the nurse kindly reminded me that until he has been cancer free for 5 years I cannot take a full breath ):
Christopher had his relapse in September of 2010 so in 2015 we will be in a safety zone, and then after 10 years she said we could assume he is home free!
I truly believe Christopher's amazing attitude and positive outlook on life (along with the many prayers from people all over the Country!) has gotten him to this point.
He has a true zest for life and his perseverance continues to bring him good health and keep him in good spirits. He is confident that he has beaten this disease and looks forward to all that lies ahead.
The picture I posted is from a recent trip to Chicago sponsored by Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund.
Next weekend I am a doing the Boston Marathon walk to support the Jimmy Fund. They have provided a lot of great opportunities for the kids at Boston Children's that are dealing with a life threatening illness. I am very grateful for all they have done for Chris and what they do on a daily basis to bring happiness into the lives of so many.
I have included a link to the Walk below, if you feel so inclined to donate to the Jimmy Fund simply enter my last name in the "walker's search" and it will take you directly to my page.
Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and prayers.
Much peace and gratitude to you all.
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Journey Continues
It was one of my favorite childhood classics and I can't help but think of Christopher and his battle ("journey") with cancer. The fact that he has beaten the odds to this point AND is also doing an amazing job moving on with his life while excelling in school is nothing short of Incredible.
Next month he has his three month chest CT scan in Boston. Physically he has been feeling great and is not worried about any complications. He was able to enjoy a trip in June with Dana Farber/Boston Children's to Chicago where he saw the Red Sox play at Wrigley Field and also was able to spend a couple weeks in California visiting his family out there.
He has some pretty big plans for his future and seems to use this intense focus to enjoy living his life, today, as a healthy active (and very mature!) teenager while keeping the faith in a healthy tomorrow.
Because of Christopher's positive attitude and ability to manage life with a prosthetic limb, his oncologist at Dana Farber has asked him to speak with a young girl that will be having the same surgery as he did three years ago. I am very proud that he is willing to share his experience with someone else that will need a lot
of support and encouragement. I know he has more to offer than he realizes.
I am including some pictures from his trip to FL for the Red Sox Spring Training game sponsored by the Jimmy Fund. Once again my heartfelt appreciation to the special people at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Children's Hospital Boston for bringing some joy and fun into the lives of many deserving teens.
We have not yet received pictures from the Chicago trip but I will be sure to post them when I get copies.
I do have some wonderful pictures from Chris' trip to CA but my Editor in Chief has pulled the plug on posting those! :D
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support as we continue to take and appreciate this Incredible Journey.
Much peace, Patty
Chris at Jet Blue Stadium, the new Red Sox Spring training Park in Ft. Myers.
Schmoozin' with some of the team...lucky!
Christopher hitting the links in FL...Looks like a natural!
The following pictures are from this past January when Christopher got his new prosthesis.
A big thank you to Jason and company from "Next Step" in Manchester, NH for their time and talent!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Life in New England

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Onward and Upward

Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Challenges Continue

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Summertime and the living is...
As I mentioned in the last blog back in April, Chris had opted out of the last two months of his 6 month chemo protocol and was going to start interferon treatments. That never happened due to both insurance companies denying the claim as it is not traditionally used to treat cancer. Because Christopher was not (and is not) in remission he still needed to have some form of aggressive treatment. He definitely was clear about not wanting to go back in the hospital for more chemotherapy, so he agreed to begin the chemo pills which he still takes at home. It was not the Dr.'s first choice. As I mentioned in an earlier blog it is just palliative, but hopefully it is slowing down the process so that they can limit the number of surgeries to remove what is on his lungs. The open thoracotomy is a very invasive procedure which he would have to have on both lungs and his body just cannot handle too many of them. Because the last chest CT did not show the lesions to be creating any problems at this point, the Oncologists and Surgeon decided to wait before going in again. Which was fine with us!
Just to clarify, the pills are not meant to get rid of the existing lung lesions, just intended to slow down whatever cancer cells (the metastases) that are traveling through his system. He takes them for 14 days and is off for 14 day. He does get a little nausea, loss of appetite and his hair is not growing the way he would like but this protocol is much more tolerable for him than the alternative. The only thing he has to do is blood work before and after he finishes and an exam once a month. His counts will not drop as drastically as with the inpatient chemotherapy but he can get quite low and fatigued. His port was removed in July as a leak in the line had been causing him some shoulder pain, so without that he does not have to be rushed to the ER at the onset of a fever.
Chris has been quite involved with Wolfson's Children's Hospital. In addition to being on the children's Board of Directors, We were asked to attend a lunch, representing the Oncology Unit, where a very large donation was made to the hospital. Christopher also got to throw out the first pitch at two Jacksonville Sun's games which was pretty exciting for him. Karen Wolfson is also doing a biography on Christopher to present to the Board, more specifically the behavior challenges that can go along with the type of ordeal he has been through, in hopes of getting more funding for the hospital's Psychiatric/Behavioral Departments. In January he will participate in the hospital's birthday celebration/fashion show fundraiser. I am including a poem at the end of this that Christopher wrote for that event.
Tomorrow Chris will see his oncologist for a routine exam and blood work. We will find out then when his next Chest CT and bone scan will be. Until then it is back to school for him and WE BOTH look forward to a healthier, more productive and prosperous year!
Many thanks to all of you, near and far, who continue to support us with your kind thoughts and prayers! With much love and peace, Patty
Thanks to Ana for these pictures of Christopher and for giving him a little Colombian culture!Unpredictability's
They say life is interesting,
both good and bad,
fun and painful.
It is these unpredictability's that make this true.
Whether it be winning the prize of a lifetime,
or your life being forever changed by disease or accident.
It is these unpredictability's that make life what it is...interesting.